The Elgin School District is accepting applications for the following positions for the 2022-2023 school year:
Jr. High/High School Principal
9-12th Grade Math Teacher
For questions regarding these positions, contact Dianne Greif at 541-437-2021 or visit the district Employment Page at:
Good evening Stella Mayfield student families... Please remember there will be no school on Monday January 17th in the Elgin School District in observance of the Martin Luther King Holiday. School will resume on Tuesday the 18th. Thank you and have a great weekend.
Good evening. All school activities in the Elgin School District will be closed tomorrow, November 11th, in observance of Veteran's Day. Please take this time to thank all men and women who have served this great country!
This is just a reminder to all Elgin School District families that all students will be excused from school on Thursday November 4th at 12:30 for parent/teacher conferences. Buses will depart the schools for home right at 12:30. If your child does not ride the bus, please have other arrangements in order prior to the 12:30 release. Additionally, if your child attends Stella Mayfield Elementary and you have arranged for a phone conference with his or her teacher, please be aware that your child will be bringing their report card home from school for your reference. If additional copies are needed, please give our office a call so we can make arrangements to mail you a copy. Thank you and have a great evening.
Good evening. If your child is interested in playing football this fall, all participants will begin practice on August 16th at six o'clock in the morning. This will be the first practice of daily doubles and your coach will provide the remaining schedule of upcoming practices. Please meet at the high school behind the gymnasium.
Jr. High volleyball practice will begin August 16th from 5-6:30pm at Stella Mayfield Elementary. Please wear volleyball attire, knee pads, have hair up and a water bottle. A parent meeting will occur the following Monday, August 23rd.
See you there!
Coach McLaughlin
Good morning Stella Mayfield Elementary families. We hope you are enjoying these last few weeks of summer break in anticipation for another great school year. The following is an update for students and families in preparation for the 2021-22 school year as it relates to scheduling at Stella Mayfield. We have increased educational minutes for students Kindergarten through second grade from a release time of 2:45 to 3:15 in order to provide both Physical Education and Music to all of our students each day of the school week. This change in schedule will do away with bus recess and provide a more well rounded school day with greater student engagement. If you are picking your child up from school in our round-about area, please make note of this important change and plan accordingly for the upcoming academic year. Again, students K-2 will be released at 3:15 and escorted by their classroom teacher, grades 3 and 4 will conclude classes at 3:20, and grades 5 and 6 at 3:30. Arrival times remain the same for all students with the first bell at 7:55 Monday through Thursday. See you soon!
Due to the increased severity of the current storm Elgin School District will be dismissing students from school at 12:30. Busses will run at that time. We are requesting parents of students at Stella Mayfield please call the school to confirm where your child should go at release. No, elementary students will be released without that confirmation. Thank you
Elgin SD has several job openings:
Good evening... This message is just a simple reminder that school will be in session on Monday January 18th. Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
Looking for a great listen, here it is!! Stella Mayfield Elementary 2020 Christmas Concert
Please enjoy our School Concert from this Christmas season. Just click on the link below to find the High School Clip.
This message is just a reminder that all students will be excused from school at 1:00 tomorrow, December 23rd. Have a happy and safe holiday season and we will see you back at school on January 4th!
Good day Stella Mayfield families! As Covid 19 has invoked significant change to the ways the school operates, so too it has limited the opportunities for families to assemble within our buildings. With this in mind, we will continue to offer our winter concert, but in a virtual setting. Your student will be performing with their respective class and cohort during the school day on either Wednesday or Thursday this week. The school will combine all class performances into one video to be posted prior to break on our district website. If you would prefer not to have your child participate in our annual winter concert, please let us know by contacting our main office so we can excuse your child. Thank you, happy holidays, and have a great day!
Elgin High School Girl of the Month
Husky Homecoming 10/ 19 - 10 / 23
Monday-Character day!
Tuesday- Patriotic Day!
Wednesday-Country VS. Country Club!
Thursday- Color war!
Seniors- Black!
Staff - Orange
Saturday - Cross Country action in Elgin. Junior High starts at 10 a.m. Limited spectators for an outdoor event. Please observe social distancing rules and mask wearing guidelines.
JH VB & FB in Enterprise @ 10 Bus Departs @ 7:20AM Spot time 7:00
HS VB in Enterprise @ 4pm (Varsity @ 4, JV to follow) Bus departs @ 2:30 Spot time 2:15
HS FB in Enterprise @ 7pm Bus departs @ 5:30 Spot time 5:15pm
High School Volleyball action will take place in Union this evening. Varsity only and no spectators allowed in the gym.
Elgin High School Football in Elgin this evening at 6:00 p.m. We are still under limited spectator rules, so parents are allowed, but no other spectators. You will need to adhere to social distancing rules, either staying in your car or wearing a mask and staying 6 feet apart.